Operetta Christmas Concert

Operetta Christmas Concert

It was an extraordinary evening, full of classics, elegance and humour at the same time. Operetta Christmas Concert was honoured by the presence of such great soloists as Magdalena Pilarz-Bobrowska, Tomasz Krzysica and Jakub Milewski. For the music arrangements was responsible Strauss Orchestra Ensemble conducted by Artur Jaroń, who simultaneously hosted the entire show, announcing each of the soloists. The audience could listen to hits from the operetta “Clivia”, “Gypsy Love” and “Gypsy Princess”. The solo performances were interlarded with artists’ duets, who literally enchanted the audience. The credit also goes to the excellent musicians from the Orchestra Ensemble Strauss,…

Dancing stories of The Snow Queen

Dancing stories of The Snow Queen

Saturday morning passed in the magical, Christmas atmosphere. Children were welcomed by the beautiful and dancing – Snow Queen, who was played by Mrs. Ballet (Ewa Budny-Orłowska). Along with the Snow Queen, on the stage appeared Snowflakes (played by students of Mrs. Ballet’s school dance), Wizard and dancing Santa Claus. The children were delighted with unusual ballet, performed by the Snow Queen and her younger assistants. Beautiful ballet costumes, mood music and sincere children’s smiles – that is how you can describe, in a nutshell, what was going on at Bielany Chamber Hall. Then, after the show, all children were…

My ballad – Anna Sroka-Hryń –Agnieszka Osiecka songs

My ballad – Anna Sroka-Hryń –Agnieszka Osiecka songs

26 NOVEMBER 2016 BIELANY CHAMBER HALL ŻEROMSKI STREET 29 TIME: 7.30 P.M. “Has anyone seen as a bunny running down the street? Has anyone seen this?”. The audience’s great enthusiasm, a standing ovation, wonderful aura and joint singing was a response to Anna Sroka-Hryń question during her recital – ” My Ballad “, based on the works of Agnieszka Osiecka, that took place on last Saturday at Bielany Chamber Hall. The poet’s lyrics accompanied Anna Sroka-Hryń her entire life shaping – as she says – her sensitivity to music. Needless to say, the performance was not only fun and humor,…

Dances from around the World – Jekaterina i Stanisław Drzewieccy – Piano concert- 27 November 2016

Dances from around the World – Jekaterina i Stanisław Drzewieccy – Piano concert- 27 November 2016

Sunday evening was marked by the most beautiful melodies of dances of the world. During the piano concert “Dances from around the world” at Bielany Chamber Hall, the audience of MTeatr could enjoy the performance of Jekaterina and Stanisław Drzewieccy, who demonstrated their remarkable talent during the piano concert for four hands.   Artists performed, among others, “Hungarian Dances” by Brahms, “Slavonic Dances” by Dvorak, dances from Tchaikovsky’s ballet – “The Nutcracker” and Grieg’s “Norwegian Dances”.   This unique piano duet perform together successfully since 2010 playing concerts for four hands or for two pianos.   It was a wonderful…

Alicja Węgorzewska as Diva for Rent

Alicja Węgorzewska as Diva for Rent

Is opera Diva’s life must always be associated with seriousness, grand concert halls and pathetic songs? Not necessarily! Alicja Węgorzewska as Diva for Rent proves, that the world of opera and life of opera singer can look quite funny. In this humorous monologue, that sometimes turned into a dialogue with the audience, she showed opera in a completely different light. With humor and distance, she showed how the backstage world of “high” culture looks like, joked, sang, dressed up, talked, and at the same time she had great fun. She presented the audience her great vocal skills and in a…

Sawars Tango Orquesta – Love forgives everything – The Milonga

Sawars Tango Orquesta – Love forgives everything – The Milonga

Brilliant, vigorous and passionate performance of Sawars Tango Orquesta snatched the audience to dance. The concert „Love forgives everything” of Sawars Tango Orquesta of Sebastian Wypycha breathed a South American spirit into the audience at Saturday’s evening at Bielany Chamber Hall. We knew, that the performance of this brilliant orchestra is a guarantee of successful night. Thus, the enthusiastic response from the audience was not a surprise. The orchestra’s line-up:  Anna Wandtke (violins), Hadrian Tabęcki (piano), Piotr Malicki (guitar), Grzegorz Bożewicz (bandoneon) and the orchestra’s leader – Sebastian Wypych (double bass). As we predicted, after the concert, the milonga show-…

Fairy-tale Ballet

Children took over the stage at Bielany Chamber Hall Pointe shoes, ballet skirts, tutus and Port de bras –  every ballet dancer knows these things as well as children, who came on 19 November to Bielany Chamber Hall for “Fairy-tale Ballet” spectacle. They had an occasion to learn the elements of the ballet costumes and the names of basic ballet positions. However, the “Fairy-tale Ballet” spectacle was not only about learning. Most of all, it was great fun. Children, literally, took over the stage and listened to the breath-taking stories told by Mrs. Ballet (played by Ewa Budny). They watched…

Operetta Evening: All around Gypsy Princess– 6 November 2016

Operetta Evening: All around Gypsy Princess– 6 November 2016

On 6 November 2016, at 6 p.m., at Bielany Chamber Hall, an extraordinary spectacle took place – the Operetta Evening – All around Gypsy Princess. The stars of the evening were Dorota Laskowiecka (soprano) and Dariusz Pietrzykowski (tenor). With the piano accompaniment, the artist presented in duets the greatest operetta hits, i.a. – Tłumy fraków, Jakże mam Ci wytłumaczyć, Co się dzieje, oszaleje from the Gypsy Princess operetta and Kto dał nam klucze from the Land of Smiles operetta. The artists also performed solo: Dorota Laskowiecka presented pieces from such operas as Casanova, Merry Widow, Clivia or Giuditta and Dariusz…



The artNoble competition is dedicated to outstanding “Creative artPersonalities” for the best diplomas from Public Schools of Arts in two categories: Fine Arts and Music. On 6 November 2016, at noon, at Bielany Chamber Hall, the artNoble Gala Concert took place. The event was graced with prof. Barbara Gorgol presence, who led the Gala Concert and announced each of the participants. As first, the laureate of artNoble 2015, Alina Adamski, performed Strauss’ and Mozart’s arias with Paweł Cłapiński accompaniment. The young artist charmed the audience with her stage charisma and unique interpretation of songs. Later on, we could listen to…



New season of performances at Bielany Chamber Hall has officially begun!   On 5 November 2016, the All Souls’ Day Concert of the exceptional artist – Mirek Czyżykiewcz, who is well-known within literary songs circles, took place. Thanks to the incredible atmosphere that prevailed on the stage, the audience could indulge in reverie and nostalgia. Mirek Czyżykiewicz presented himself in his own peculiar way, he combined declamation with singing and playing the guitar. The concert program consisted of the songs’ compilation from three author’s records and his latest record “Ma Cherie.”. The author and composer of most of the presented…

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