I Regret Nothing – Anna Sroka-Hryń – Edith Piaf’s 100th Birthday Anniversary

I Regret Nothing – Anna Sroka-Hryń – Edith Piaf’s 100th Birthday Anniversary

On 28th of November 2015 we had an honour to host Anna Sroka – Hryń on the Krakowskie Przedmieście Stages. She is famous mainly from the spectacle Edith and Marlene where she played the role of Edith and she is a star of Roma Theatre in Warsaw as well. With the accordion accompaniment that conveyed the delightful atmosphere of Paris, Anna Sroka – Hryń performed the greatest hits from the Edith Piaf’s repertoire. Anna Sroka-Hryń stole the show and the concert ended with number of encores.  Concert Program: Niebo nad Paryżem Jean Żebrak Akordeonista Johnny żaden z Ciebie anioł Życie…

Fame – The Musical – 26.11.2015

Fame – The Musical – 26.11.2015

Traditionally, the audience thanked the artists for the stunning show with the standing ovations. For the first time, on our stages, Jakub Werel played the part of Tyron. He truly deserves our hearty congratulations for his successful debut. The artists were supported by the brilliant band conducted by Adam Pietrzak.  

14.11.2015 – Alicja Węgorzewska as Diva for rent

14.11.2015 – Alicja Węgorzewska as Diva for rent

On 14th of November 2015 on the Krakowskie Przedmieście stages the outstanding performance took place. Director of the Mazovian Music Theatre, Alicja Węgorzewska assumed the character of “diva for rent” in a bravura manner. Diva for rent is a project written for and dedicated to Alicja Węgorzewska. The performance is about the life of opera’s diva, the essence of the opera and it’s both beautiful and difficult aspects. The show encourages the audience to come and visit the opera. The funny monologues combined with the beautiful voice of Alicja Węgorzewska amused and touched the public at the same time. The…

2.11.2015 Mietek Szcześniak All Soul’s Day Concert

2.11.2015 Mietek Szcześniak All Soul’s Day Concert

On 2nd of November 2015 on the Krakowskie Przedmieście stages the unique concert of the exceptional artist – Mietek Szcześniak took place. The Artist with the piano accompaniment sang truly nostalgic and beautiful songs, that moved the audience to tears. Below you can find the photo report from this significant concert.

25.10.2015 – Tribute to Nat King Cole – Maciej Miecznikowski & Krzysia Górniak

25.10.2015 – Tribute to Nat King Cole – Maciej Miecznikowski & Krzysia Górniak

„Tribute To Nat King Cole” is and exceptional music project of Maciej Miecznikowski & Krzysia Górniak organized at the 50th Death Anniversary of the great American jazz vocalist and pianist. On 25th of October 2015 at the Bielany Chamber Hall of Mazovian Music Theatre the beautiful ambient concert took place. It included the most beautiful hit songs of the legendary artist, who had a gift to combine jazz with pop songs like no one else did. The special guest of the concert was the famous opera diva, Director of Mazovian Music Theatre – Alicja Węgorzewska. The artists performed with the…

25.10.2015 – The musical Fairy Tale of the Little Mermaid in more than one song

25.10.2015 – The musical Fairy Tale of the Little Mermaid in more than one song

Today, at Bielany Chamber Hall we hosted Teatr Moich Marzeń from Chorzów. The play that is filled with music and lights is about a little mermaid Vivien. The audience along with the play’s characters wandered off into the depths of the ocean where they could meet the little mermaid Vivien, her resolute father – King Nefryt, funny crab Szachwara and malicious witch Zewlaga. Both the children and the adults were delighted with the musical Fairy Tale of the Little Mermaid. The impressive play of lights, fabulous costumes, clever and melodious songs brought the children to the wonderland. “….. Some time,…

24.10.2015 – The Laureates Gala Concert of Festival of Arts ArtNoble 2014

24.10.2015 – The Laureates Gala Concert of Festival of Arts ArtNoble 2014

ArtNoble – the award for the outstanding “Creative artPersonality” for the best diploma of visual and music arts of Public Schools of Arts, unique artistic personality that is filled with passion and creative artEnergy whose work/works is/are produced on the European level and draw recipients’ attention. The Laureate is chosen out of the candidates that were proposed by Schools of Arts in Poland  – prof. Jan Tutaj is an Arts Officer of artNoble Fine Arts, he holds the function of pro-vice chancellor at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow – and by Music Conservatories – an Arts…

18.10.2015 –Jerzy Snakowski “Operetta’s Folly”. The evening Star of the concert–Jacek Laszczkowski

18.10.2015 –Jerzy Snakowski “Operetta’s Folly”. The evening Star of the concert–Jacek Laszczkowski

Jacek Laszczkowski in Stars Constellation at Krakowskie Przedmieście! The concert of one of the most famous Polish tenors – Jacek Laszczkowski, inaugurated the activity of the new place at the music map in Warsaw – Krakowskie Przedmieście Auditoria of MTeatr. The remarkable singer gave his performance within the Jerzy Snakowski “Stars Constellation/Operetta’s Folly” series. The set of renowned meetings of Jerzy Snakowski is a brilliant way to promote a little bit neglected music genre – operetta music. Each month, in a beautiful hall of the Central Agricultural Library at Krakowskie Przedmieście, the amazing concerts of remarkable opera and operetta artists…

The 2nd Edition of Tenor Battle for Roses 3.10.2015 r

Dear Sirs and Madams, The 2nd Edition of Tenor Battle for Roses is behind us. The Award of Director of MTeatr: Jakub Gąska and Jinxing Tan The Award of Orchestra’s Director and Orchestra: Tomasz Krzysica The Viewer’s Award and Audience’s Award: Emil Ławecki   Congratulations !!! Our amazing Divas – Thank you Nasze wspaniałe Divy – Dziękujemy    

Fame – The Musical – PREMIERE 8.10.2015 –Palladium Theatre – 7 p.m.

Fame – The Musical – PREMIERE 8.10.2015 –Palladium Theatre – 7 p.m.

The incredible combination of energy, passion and talent with the greatest hits and spirited dances! The Polish version of legendary Fame-The Musical had its premiere in Warsaw. In the show performed the top young vocalists-graduates from the Academy of Music in Gdańsk. The premiere was organized by MTeatr, of which Director is Alicja Węgorzewska, that has its 10th Anniversary of Foundation this season. The spectacle was produced by prof. Andrzej Nanowski, PhD, who holds a function of a Dean of the Faculty of Voice and Drama at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk, while for direction was responsible Miłosz Gałaj,…

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