10th International Operetta Singing Competition of Franz Lehár

10th International Operetta Singing Competition of Franz Lehár

Dear Sirs and Madams, It is a great pleasure to inform you, that Ms. Anna Potyrała-Listwon, who represented Poland and the Mazovian Musical Theatre in Warsaw at 10th International Operetta Singing Competition of Franz Lehár, won a special award of Director of the Budapest Operetta Musical Theatre. The award is a performance at the Budapest Operetta Musical Theatre. We would like to congratulate Anna on winning the award and wish her every success in her future!

The 3rd Edition of Tenor Battle for Roses

The 3rd Edition of Tenor Battle for Roses

The 3rd Edition of Tenor Battle for Roses Concert Hall of Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of Polish Radio 12 October 2016 r. . Laureate of platinum rose, an audience award – Wojciech Sokolnicki.               Laureate of golden rose, the award of Marshall of Mazovian Voivodeship – Mateusz Zajdel.           Laureate of silver rose, an Orchestra award – Miłosz Gałaj.             Laureate of brown rose, the award of MTeatr’s Director – Hubert Stolarski.               Concert Programme: PART I Bizet –Carmen…

The 3rd Edition of Tenor Battle for Roses - Acknowledgements

The 3rd Edition of Tenor Battle for Roses - Acknowledgements

The 3rd Edition of Tenor Battle for Roses – Acknowledgements Dear Sirs and Madams, The 3rd Edition of Tenor Battle for Roses is behind us. We would like to express our great gratitude to brilliant Tenors, wonderful Divas, Director of the Orchestra, Orchestra, Bogdan Kierejsza, Marcin Cejrowski, the whole MTeatr team, all co-workers and patrons. Thank you once again, because we would never succeed if it wasn’t for you. We would like to congratulate to platinum rose laureate – an audience award – Wojciech Sokolnicki. Congratulations to golden rose laureate – the award of Marshall of Mazovian Voivodeship – Mateusz…

The 3rd Edition of Tenor Battle for Roses

The 3rd Edition of Tenor Battle for Roses

Dear Sirs and Madams, The 3rd Edition of Tenor Battle for Roses is ahead of us. Once again, four remarkable tenors will fight an amicable battle for a platinum rose. This year, the following young and gifted tenors will participate in the battle: Mikołaj Adamczak, Miłosz Gałaj, Wojciech Sokolnicki and Hubert Stolarski. The amazing and unique of its kind opera Divas will perform along with the tenors: Grażyna Brodzińska, Alicja Węgorzewska, Marcelina Beucher, Kamila Cholewińska-Lendzion. The Orchestra of Jan Kiepura Mazovian Music Theatre will be conducted by Piotr Sułkowski. The main goal of the “Tenor Battle for Roses” is to…

The Benefit Concert „Sing for Hope” nominated for the Coryphaeus of Polish Music Award

The Benefit Concert „Sing for Hope” nominated for the Coryphaeus of Polish Music Award

The Benefit Concert „Sing for Hope. Greatest Opera Singers for Jacek Janiszewski” nominated for the Coryphaeus of Polish Music Award. The audience vote for the winner of the “Debut of the Year” title of the Coryphaeus of Polish Music Award has just begun. Simultaneously, the secret ballot of the Electoral College that will choose the winners of the three remaining categories takes place. The Benefit Concert “Sing for Hope. Greatest Opera Singers for Jacek Janiszewski” that was organised by the Mazovian Music Theatre along with the RDC Radio, on the initiative of the RDC Radio Director – Tadeusz Deszkiewicz, was…

The National Reading  „Quo vadis”

The National Reading „Quo vadis”

On Saturday, the 3rd of September 2016, the fifth edition of the national reading took place. This year, Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel “Quo Vadis” was read throughout Poland. The book has been read in over 2 thousand places in Poland and abroad. President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, along with the First Lady, opened and closed the national campaign with reading the novel’s fragments in Saski Garden park in Warsaw. The next year’s reading will be chosen by the readers through the poll. In the Galeria Porczyńskich by Bankowy Square, the novel “Quo Vadis” was read by Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz of the…

The 7th Edition of all-Poland Vocal Competition Impressio Art – 22-24th of July 2016, Sopot

The 7th Edition of all-Poland Vocal Competition Impressio Art – 22-24th of July 2016, Sopot

The 7th Edition of all-Poland Vocal Competition Impressio Art came to an end with an outstanding concert performed by Ewa Wolak finished by standing ovations from the crowd and a round of applause as well. Alicja Węgorzewska, Director of MTeatr had a pleasure to sit on a Jury of the competition. Jury Members: EWA BLAHOVA- Jury President BOŻENA HARASIMOWICZ OLGA PASIECZNIK ANDRZEJ SACIUK ALICJA WĘGORZEWSKA EWA WOLAK SYLWIA JANIAK – KOBYLIŃSKA The Jury awarded the following prizes: Grand Prix – Szymon Kobyliński – bass, who also received all the concert’s awards: The Silesian Philharmonic in Katowice  – for best male…

The 10th Gala of Musical Theatre Awards

The 10th Gala of Musical Theatre Awards

On 20 June, the Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall was the scene of the 10th Gala of Musical Theatre Awards  presentation. The Musical Theatre Awards Gala is a prestigious musical festivity at the highest artistic level. For 10 years, laureates have been selected each year by a jury composed of outstanding experts in classical and opera music,  musicals and theatre plays. The directors of the best Polish Musical Theatres nominate candidates: outstanding authors and artists who merit the  prestigious Jan Kiepura prize. The laureates in 16 categories are selected by the Jury composed of: Professor Izabela Kłosińska, Professor Zofia Rudnicka, Tatiana…

“Sing for Hope”, the Benefit Concert. The 4th of June 2016

“Sing for Hope”, the Benefit Concert. The 4th of June 2016

Dear Sirs and Madams, I would like to offer my sincere thanks for the yesterday concert “Sing for Hope”, the benefit concert for our colleague Jacek Janiszewski. I dare say the concert was unique of its kind both here in Poland and abroad. Your help, support and presence is greatly appreciated by Jacek. The concert is the result of combined effort of every individual: opera and operetta Stars, brilliant musicians and conductors, Tadeusz Deszkiewicz and Radio for You, Piotr Iwanicki and Polish Radio, fabulous musicians from Romantica Orchestra with Director Anna Barańska-Wróblewska, employees of MTeatr and every one with a…

The Great Operetta Gala on the occasion of Mother’s Day – 26th of May 2016

The Great Operetta Gala on the occasion of Mother’s Day – 26th of May 2016

Performers: Special Guest Appearance:  Grażyna Brodzińska – soprano Kamila Lendzion – soprano Alicja Węgorzewska – mezzo-soprano Paweł Skałuba – tenor Tomasz Rak – baritone Jacek Pawełczak – conductor Orchestra Romantica Maciej Przestrzelski  – concertmaster Anna Barańska – Wróblewska – dyrektor Orkiestry I Część L. Anderson: The Tipewriter – Orchestra Romantica E. Kalman: Countess Maritza – Gdy cygańskie pieśni słyszę – Kamila Lendzion J. Strauss: The Gypsy Baron – Wielka sława to żart – Paweł Skałuba F. Lehar: Gypsy Love – Kiedy skrzypki grają – Alicja Węgorzewska E. Kalman: Countess Maritza– Play Gipsy – Tomasz Rak E. Kalman: Gypsy Princess –…

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