

Wszystkiego co najlepsze w Nowym 2017 Roku. Dużo radości, satysfakcji i szczęścia, spełnienia marzeń i realizacji planów. Czasu na rozwijanie własnych pasji oraz wielu niezapomnianych muzycznych wrażeń artystycznych. Dyrekcja i Zespół Mazowieckiego Teatru Muzycznego imienia Jana Kiepury w Warszawie



On 26 December 2016, Jan Kiepura Mazovian Musical Theatre in Warsaw has prepared a real treat for its audience. In the Parish Church of Blessed Edmund Bojanowski at Ursynów in Warsaw, the wonderful Christmas concert took place in which performed: Alicja Węgorzewska (mezzo-soprano), Jacek Laszczkowski (tenor), Bogdan Kierejsza (violin) and Jan Krzos (guitar). The gathered audience listened to the most beautiful Polish carols in the beautiful arrangements of Bogdan Kierejsza, sang by Alicja Węgorzewska and Jacek Laszczkowski. The great instrumental versions of Christmas carols and Christmas songs were played by Bogdan Kierejsza and Jan Krzos. It’s been only very first…

Napisali o Nas

Napisali o Nas

Zgodnie z wieloletnią tradycją Mazowieckiego Teatru Muzycznego imienia Jana Kiepury w Warszawie, Nowy Rok zostanie przywitany w wyjątkowym stylu. Od jedenastu lat Teatr jest organizatorem i pomysłodawcą Koncertu Noworocznego. Będzie to już 12. edycja tego niezwykłego wydarzenia. Publiczność usłyszy największe arcydzieła opery, operetki i utwory musicalowe zarówno polskie, jak i światowe. 12. Koncert Noworoczny „Opera, Operetka, Musical” odbędzie się 1 stycznia 2017 roku o godzinie 17.00 w Sali Koncertowej Filharmonii Narodowej w Warszawie.  Wydarzenie otrzymało Honorowy Patronat Narodowego Centrum Kultury. Więcej    Zgodnie z wieloletnią tradycją Mazowieckiego Teatru Muzycznego imienia Jana Kiepury w Warszawie, Nowy Rok zostanie przywitany w wyjątkowym…

Edyta Piasecka - coloratura soprano

Edyta Piasecka - coloratura soprano

Edyta Piasecka – coloratura soprano The soloist of the Polish National Opera in Warsaw. She performs at the stages of the largest opera houses in Poland and abroad. She has participated in many festivals both in Poland and abroad. She cooperated with the Great Theatre in Łódz, The Krakow Opera, The Baltic Opera, the Silesian Opera in Wrocław, Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic and the National Theatre in Budapest. She has won many awards, i.a. 1st place at the “Master Course for Opera Singers”, organized by professor Ryszard Karczykowski (1997), Special Award for the best female voice (participation in concerts within…


Dear Sirs and Madams, In some publications promoting our New Year’s Concert at the Warsaw Philharmonic on 1 January 2017, there has been a mistake in the name of the Artist, which could, unknowingly, mislead you. On my own behalf and on the team’s behalf of Jan Kiepura Mazovian Musical Theatre in Warsaw, I would like to sincerely apologize you for the mistake. I would like to confirm, that the concert will be honoured with the presence of a long anticipated outstanding opera singer, soprano coloratura – Edyta Piasecka, whose biography is full of impressive artistic achievements will and be…

Robert Grudzień Oratorio “God baptised you, God gave you the strength”  on the occasion of 1050th Anniversary of Polish Christianity

Robert Grudzień Oratorio “God baptised you, God gave you the strength” on the occasion of 1050th Anniversary of Polish Christianity

Church of the Mother of God, Queen of Poland Gdańska Street 6a, Marymont, Warsaw 18 DECEMBER 2016, 2 p.m. 966-2016 1050th Anniversary of Polish Christianity Robert Grudzień Oratorio “God baptised you, God gave you the strength” Honorary patronage: Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz Metropolitan Archbishop of Warsaw Performers: Olgierd Łukaszewicz – actor, narrator Orchestry966 Kinga Moczydłowska – vocal Marcin Obuchowski – tenor, Tomasz Mazur – bass Piotr Gnyszka – saxophone Szymon Lipiński – accordion, Michał Kowalczyk – double bass Robert Grudzień – organ, piano, composition Anna Drela – scenario, lyric’s author, director Zespół ZAKRZEWIAKI – direction Lucjan Krzysiek



Dear Sirs and Madams! We are pleased to announce, that this year, the Artists appearing during the New Year’s Concert will be treated by JM Hotel Warsaw Center. This extraordinary place welcomes its guests with a luxurious atmosphere, offering elegant and stylish interiors with unusual dimensions. Central Station and the Palace of Culture and Science are distanced from the hotel only about 1.4 km. At artists disposal there will be comfortably furnished rooms in a high standard with amazing views of the city skyline. We are confident that the rest at JM Hotel Warsaw Center is a guarantee, that the…

And we don’t want to run from here (A my nie chcemy uciekać stąd).JAROSŁAW CHOJNACKI

And we don’t want to run from here (A my nie chcemy uciekać stąd).JAROSŁAW CHOJNACKI

Sunday’s performance of Jarosław Chojnacki was an exceptional musical feast. On 11 December, at 6  p.m., was held a concert “And we don’t want to run from here”. During this concert, the artist presented his interpretation of Jacek Kaczmarski, Przemysław Gintrowski and Zbigniew Łapinski songs. The audience did not allow the artist to leave the stage, since he has introduced the audience with his own interpretations into a state of reverie and nostalgia. It was definitely a solemn event, that was filled with emotions and passion. We hope for the next, so successful concerts on the stages of Bielany Chamber…



It was a really long time since such show, combined with fun, humour and dance, has been staged at the Mazovian Musical Theatre. Andrzej Rosiewicz was in excellent shape, who, despite the passing years, still had his vigour and energy, as in the old days. In Saturday’s show, 10 December 2016, the audience could listen to the artist’s greatest hits, such as „Czterdzieści lat minęło”, „Chłopcy radarowy” or „Najwięcej witaminy”. There were also newer compositions ,that were preceded with the artist’s funny insertions. Two dancers, who were present on the stage, added to the whole show some spontaneity and even…

„Pieśni do słów własnych” - Klaudia Pasternak.

„Pieśni do słów własnych” - Klaudia Pasternak.

It was an exceptional morning, which was full of unforgettable artistic experience. On Saturday, 10 December at noon, the premiere of “Pieśni do słów własnych” by Klaudia Pasternak took place. Pasternak is both an excellent conductor and composer. The concert was held within Collections – Composing commissions – priority project that was implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance and supported by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The performance was preceded by a short introduction, in which the author of the project explained, why these compositions mean so much to her, and how she chose her background…

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