Operetta Christmas Concert

Operetta Christmas Concert

It was an extraordinary evening, full of classics, elegance and humour at the same time. Operetta Christmas Concert was honoured by the presence of such great soloists as Magdalena Pilarz-Bobrowska, Tomasz Krzysica and Jakub Milewski. For the music arrangements was responsible Strauss Orchestra Ensemble conducted by Artur Jaroń, who simultaneously hosted the entire show, announcing each of the soloists.
The audience could listen to hits from the operetta “Clivia”, “Gypsy Love” and “Gypsy Princess”. The solo performances were interlarded with artists’ duets, who literally enchanted the audience. The credit also goes to the excellent musicians from the Orchestra Ensemble Strauss, who added power and forcefulness to the event by their amazing performance.
The last song – “Time to say goodbye”, performed in a bravura manner by the three soloists, was rewarded with a standing ovation. Long applause and endless congratulations after the concert prove, that the artists put the audience in a great mood with their concert.

3 grudnia 2016
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