The Jerzy Snakowski Operetta’s Folly. The evening Stars of the concert: Marcelina Beucher and Przemysław Borys. 31st of January 2016

The Jerzy Snakowski Operetta’s Folly. The evening Stars of the concert: Marcelina Beucher and Przemysław Borys. 31st of January 2016

The third evening of The Operetta’s Folly is over.

The evening Stars of the concerts were Marcelina Beucher and Przemysław Borys. The piano accompaniment was performed by Justyna Skoczek.

This time, the head of the meeting, Jerzy Snakowski, introduced the audience to the artistic work of the composers, whose dream was to write the operas. Whereas, they were writing the operettas reluctantly.

Our story began with Jacques Offenbach. The story of the composer was illustrated with the music and film from the Butterfly ballet. The next composers that Jerzy Snakowski was talking about were Barkarola, Szymanowski, Gilbert and Sullivan and Johann Strauss Jr.

The concert was plentiful of the marvellous stories illustrated with the passages of music, films, anecdotes and wonderful songs performed by the evening Stars of the concert.

Concert program:

  1. Offenbach, The Tales of Hoffman, Pieśń Antonii

K.Szymanowski, Romance Darly’ego from the operetta Loteria na mężów

  1. Strauss, “The Gypsy Baron”– duet Safi i Barinkaya

E.Kalman, „The Gypsy Princess”– Co się dzieje – duet

F.Lehar, Paganini, Liebe du Himmel

F.Lehar, „The Merry Widow” – Pieśń o Wilii

  1. Millocker, „The Beggar Student” – pieśń Szymona

C.Zeller, „The Bird Seller” – Pieśń Adama

E.Kalman, „The Gypsy Princess”– Bo to jest miłość – duet

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MArcelina Beucher

Marcelina Beucher – soprano

She began her music education as a cellist at the Karol Szymanowski School of Music in Wroclaw at class of prof. Feliks Tatarczyk. She studied at the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wroclaw in her mother’s class – prof. Maria Czechowska-Królicka, and graduated from the Academy with a special distinction. In 2012 she spent one year in Riga (Latvia) in prof. Lilija Greidane’s class in frame of Erasmus study program. Since 2013 she has been a PhD student at the Academy of Music in Wroclaw.

In 2013 she made her professional opera debut at the Gdańsk Opera Bałtycka as Violetta in „La Traviata” by G. Verdi, conducted by Andriy Yurkevych. In 2014 she received Jan Kiepura Award for the best debut of the year.

She has won prizes in many national and international competitions, such as:

  • 44th National Competition for Young Musicians – Karol Kurpiński’s Songs and Arias Competition in Wloszakowice, Poland in 2011 (Special Prize),
  • 2nd Academic Art Song Competition in Wroclaw, Poland in 2011 (Special Prize),
  • „Beatrice” International Vocal Competition in Vilnius, Lithuania in 2011 (Special Prize),
  • 3rd Adam Didur International Competition in Bytom, Poland 2012 (Special Award),
  • 16th International Vocal Competition Hariclea Darclée in Braila, Romania in 2012 (Foundation Darclée Prize),
  • 1st Andrzej Hiolski International Vocal Competition in Kudowa Zdroj, Poland in 2012 (Finalist),
  • Musica Sacra International Vocal Competition in Roma in 2012 (Prize Oratorio),
  • 6th Halina Halska-Fijałkowska International Vocal Competition in Wroclaw, Poland in 2013 (Second Prize),
  • Competition „I love Mozart”, Musical Theatre in Poznan, Poland in 2013 (First Prize).
  • 50th International Vocal Competition ‚s Hertogenbosch, Netherlands in 2014(Laureate).
  • I. International Eva Marton Singing Competition, Hungary in 2014 (3rd Prize and three Special Prizes).
  • 4th International Jazeps Vitols Singing Competition, Latvia in 2015 (First Prize).
  • 17th International Vocal Competition Hariclea Darclée in Braila, Romania in 2015 (Excelenca Prize)
  • Marcella Sembrich-Kochanska International Competition in New York, USA in 2015 (Honorable Mention).

She partook in various masterclasses leaded by: Teresa Żylis-Gara, Elisabeth Wilke, Helena Łazarska, Andrzej Dobber, Urszula Kryger, Stefania Kałużanka, Sabina Martinaityte, Ester de Bros, Ingrid Kremling, Roberta Aleksander, Vladimir Prodnikov, Simone Fermani, Mariana Nicolesco, Nadine Secunde, Izabela Kłosińska, Leontina Vaduva, Anna Sims.


She performed at the music festivals and concerts in Poland, Russia, the Netherlands, USA, Germany, Romania, Indonesia, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy or France.

Marcelina performed with the following conductors: T. Tokarczyk, A. Yurkevych, J. M. Florencio, W. Bobkow, A. Knap, V. Gailis, D. Tabisz, A. Urbanek, T. Bugaj, M. Balderi, T. Zathey, F. Bottigliero, T. Kozłowski.


She also worked with such stage directors as: C. Tomaszewski, J. Jabrzyk, E. Lejman-Krzysztyniak, K. Sofulak, L. Adamik.


On 2015/2016 season she will create Mimi role from “La Boheme” G. Puccini in Krakow Opera House, Violetta Valery role from “La Traviata” G. Verdi in Opera na Zamku Szczecin.

Along with the J. M. Florencio conductor she recorded the Musical Theatre for Poznań Concert.


przemysław borysPrzemysław Borys – tenor

The soloist of the Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic. He graduated from the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wroclaw at the Vocal Faculty (class of prof. B.Makala) and Masterstudium Universität Mozarteum in Salzburg (class of prof. E.Wilke). He partook in the Erasmus study program in Hochschule für Musik in Dresden. He is a graduate of doctorate program at the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wroclaw at the Vocal Faculty (class of prof. B.Makala).

He has won many prestigious awards i.a. Grand Prix in Third Edition of the International Competition for the Young Singers in Kaunas, Special Award in Vocal Competition in Częstochowa, the winner of the amber string at the I Festival of the Italian Opera Music in Włocławek “Belcanto per sempre”. He was also the finalist of many competitions i.a.  Martinelli-Pertile Montagnana International Vocal Competition in Padua or L’Orfeo di Claudio Monteverdi International Vocal Competition in Verona.

He cooperated with remarkable conductors in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, Romania and China. He currently performs on the stages of the Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic in the following opera and musical productions: G. Bizet Carmen, dir. Beaty Redo-Dobber  W. A. Mozart „The Magic Flut” dir. Jarka Marszewskiego, G. Verdi „Traviata”, S. Moniuszko „The Haunted Manor”, Ch. Williamsa „Korczak”, J. Brocka „Fiddler on the Roof” dir. Roberto Skolmowskiego and the musical „Phantom of the Opera” A. L. Webbera directed by Wojciech Kępczyński.

jerzy snakowski opera (1)Jerzy Snakowski

The popularizer of the music theatre – the opera, the ballet, the musical, the operetta. The author of the theatre scenarios, educational spectacles for the children, educational programs for the adults („Opera? Si!” in The Baltic Opera, „Musicalomania” in The Music Theatre in Gdynia).

The academic teacher (University of Gdańsk, Academy of Music in Gdańsk), lecturer at the Universities of the Third Age  (Warsaw, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot). The commentator of the cultural life, the publicist (tró,, Radio Gdańsk, „Ruch Muzyczny”). The promoter of the cultural tourism. Since Season 2015/2016 he will present the original educational series dedicated to the musical and the operetta in Music Theatre in Łódź and Mazovian Music Theatre in Warsaw. Previously he held the function of the Director’s Deputy of the Baltic Opera and the Literary Secretary of the Music Theatre in Gdynia.



1 lutego 2016
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