Operetta’s Folly: Like soprano with tenor – 20th of March 2016

Operetta’s Folly: Like soprano with tenor – 20th of March 2016

The theme of another meeting of the series  “Operetta’s Folly” were fascinating and sometimes turbulent relationships between sopranos and tenors in a private life but always concordant at stage. The most beautiful operetta and opera duets are specially dedicated to these voices.

We have heard live performances of the delightful operetta and opera duets in the interpretation of the Opera Nova soloist Jolanta Wagner and Rafał Bartmiński – the leading tenor at the Polish National Theatre. We had a great opportunity to listen to the music from Lehar, Kalman, Strauss, Moniuszko and Paderewski works:

Kalman, The Gypsy Princess – Jakże mam Ci wytłumaczyć 
Moniuszko, Halka, Gdybym rannym słonkiem
Moniuszko, Halka, Szumią jodły na gór szczycie
Manru, duet
Waltz from the operetta „Lili chce śpiewać”
„The Gypsy Baron” – Wielka sława to żart
„The Merry Widow” – Pieśń o Wilii
Cardillo, Core’ n’ grato
„The Merry Widow”, Usta milczą
Kalman, „The Gypsy Princess” – Co się dzieje oszaleję – encore



20 marca 2016
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