I Regret Nothing – Anna Sroka-Hryń – Edith Piaf’s 100th Birthday Anniversary

I Regret Nothing – Anna Sroka-Hryń – Edith Piaf’s 100th Birthday Anniversary

On 28th of November 2015 we had an honour to host Anna Sroka – Hryń on the Krakowskie Przedmieście Stages. She is famous mainly from the spectacle Edith and Marlene where she played the role of Edith and she is a star of Roma Theatre in Warsaw as well. With the accordion accompaniment that conveyed the delightful atmosphere of Paris, Anna Sroka – Hryń performed the greatest hits from the Edith Piaf’s repertoire.

Anna Sroka-Hryń stole the show and the concert ended with number of encores.

 Concert Program:

  1. Niebo nad Paryżem
  2. Jean Żebrak
  3. Akordeonista
  4. Johnny żaden z Ciebie anioł
  5. Życie na różowo
  6. Tłum
  7. Hymn miłości
  8. Padam Padam
  9. Milord
  10. Nic a nic nie żal mi
  11. Maria de Buenos Aires
28 listopada 2015
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