On 17th of December 2015 the Mazovian Music Theatre organised in the Palladium Theatre the wonderful and sentimental Christmas Concert. The traditional Polish Carols and marvellous renowned Christmas hit songs enchanted the assembled audience. For the tasteful and impressive musical setting was responsible maestro Zygmunt Kukla. As the soloists performed the exceptional guests: Katarzyna Cerekwicka, Alicja Węgorzewska, Paweł Skałuba, Rafał Majewski and the Orchestra Kukla Band. The concert ended with the standing ovations and four encores!

On 17th of December 2015 the Mazovian Music Theatre organised in the Palladium Theatre the wonderful and sentimental Christmas Concert. The traditional Polish Carols and marvellous renowned Christmas hit songs enchanted the assembled audience. For the tasteful and impressive musical setting was responsible maestro Zygmunt Kukla. As the soloists performed the exceptional guests: Katarzyna Cerekwicka, Alicja Węgorzewska, Paweł Skałuba, Rafał Majewski and the Orchestra Kukla Band. The concert ended with the standing ovations and four encores!

13.12.2015 – Bielany Chamber Hall

“And the walls will fall..” the concert of songs written by Jacek Kaczmarski between the period of the late 70s’ till the late 90s’, that is the period of the political breakthrough, when the public feelings and the increasing rebellion atmosphere in Poland led to Solidarność revolution and the downfall of the communist government that was enforced after the Second World War. The most expressive, youngest and rebellious bard of those times was Jacek Kaczmarski.

His illegal records encouraged the teenager from Cracow, Julian Mere, to start the adventure with the song and guitar that led him to the winning of many awards at Student Songs Festival in Cracow after the Stage Songs Festival in Wrocław.

Jacek Kaczmarski expressed his opinion on the world matters through the songs just like Włodzimierz Wysocki in Soviet Russia or Bob Dylan in USA did. Those songs embodied the disagreement for the current events and the willingness to change the world for a better place. After many years – bard Jacek Kaczmarski noticed that he cannot make the world as what he would like it to be, and that people will not turn into angels, thus he started to describe the world in a way pessimistic manner. However, he tried not to deceive his admirers nor himself.

The Julian Mere Concert is about seeking the truth of the forgotten turbulent times, about people who finally believed that they can change something in their lives and about Jacek Kaczmarski – the never-to-be-forgotten, bothered and sentimental artist.

Julian Mere performed along with the Dorota Wasilewska Orchestra (piano, bass, trumpet) – the pianist and music arranger. He played the guitar himself.


The Julian Mere Concert is about seeking the truth of the forgotten turbulent times, about people who finally believed that they can change something in their lives and about Jacek Kaczmarski – the never-to-be-forgotten, bothered and sentimental artist.

Julian Mere performed along with the Dorota Wasilewska Orchestra (piano, bass, trumpet) – the pianist and music arranger. He played the guitar himself.

Obviously, during the Concert there couldn’t be missed cult by now walls: Epitafium dla Wysockiego, Kasandra, Lekcja historii klasycznej, Sen Katarzyny II, Krajobraz po uczcie, Autoportret Witkacego, Arka Noego, Wykopaliska, Encore, jeszcze raz, Obława, Powrót , Somosierra, Źródło, Ballada żebracza, Nasza klasa, Starzy ludzie w autobusie, Wigilia na Syberii ,Mury…

13 grudnia 2015
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